7 hacks to help cure jet-lag

A long-haul flight can leave our bodies feeling tired, groggy and out of sync with the new time-zone we travelled to. Passengers on such flights often suffer from tiredness, experience poor sleep-quality and lack their usual levels of concentration. But what causes jet lag? 

Interestingly, the human body has an innate body clock – the circadian rhythm. This natural 24hour cycle helps to notify other systems within our body as to when it is time to sleep and time to wake up again. Long-haul flights tend to disrupt this process, and our natural sleep cycle may take a couple of days to readjust. In the meantime, our circadian clock is still signalling to the rest of our body to sleep during the old time-zone hours, which are typically the day-time hours within the new time-zone. During a flight, our body is also subject to a slight reduction in oxygen levels, which can also compound that groggy, tired feeling that many passengers experience.

Did you know: Passengers are more likely to experience jet lag when travelling east, as more day-time hours are lost.

Helpful hacks to beat the jet lag 

1: Attempt to rest during the flight

Although our bodies appear to be resting when we are asleep, our brains are surprisingly active! Why’s sleep so important for your health? Think of the brain as a very complex computer system which is downloading the new information and materials it receives during the day. Studies have shown

new connections are often made by the brain during sleep, and the body spends this time attempting to heal any ailments we may have – some of which may not even be apparent to us yet, such as a brewing cold. It is, therefore, essential that the body is allowed this time to revitalise. If you are the type of passenger that cannot get

comfortable enough to relax or sleep on a flight, then turn in early for the next couple of nights at your new destination. Try not to schedule this time for urgent work material – this does not allow your brain the time needed to relax and complete the other functions mentioned above. 

2: Keep hydrated

Water is one of the most undervalued assets our body can obtain. It fulfils a range of useful processes; regulating body temperature, aiding digestion, cell reproduction, waste disposal, joint lubrication, shock absorption…we could go on! 

According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. 

Flights tend to encourage the dehydration process. Cabins are often air-conditioned, which dries out the air moisture. Reduced oxygen levels also contribute to this effect. Purchase a bottle of water before boarding the flight (but past customs and security) to ensure you can replenish those all-important fluids! 

Plane flying
3: Opt for lighter meal options

Low cabin pressure can cause gasses in our digestive system to expand. Eating fatty foods and consuming fizzy drinks can cause excessive bloating and indigestion, making for an uncomfortable flight. Opt for lighter options, which are easier on the digestive system, such as rice, fish, fruit and nuts. 

4: Stretch and exercise during the flight

Contrary to popular belief – the window seat isn’t considered the best seat on a long-haul flight. Many passengers choose to snooze during the flight which can make things awkward when attempting to stretch your legs or when you wish to take a visit to the bathroom. An aisle seat is much better in terms of stretching out your legs, circling your ankles and taking a stroll – just make sure that no-one is walking down the aisle before stretching out your legs! Neck exercises and circling your wrists also promote better circulation and reduce your risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT).

5: Promote relaxation

Stress is a common factor when travelling for many passengers. Whether you’re a nervous flyer, hoping to keep a baby calm and comfortable during flight, trying to meet a work deadline or simply do not know whether you remembered to pack your toothbrush – odds are the problem is easily solved. For those problems which may not be as simply solved, such as, ‘did I remember to pack my passport?’ stressing is unlikely to remedy the situation. Take a deep breath and calmly assess whatever the situation is again. The likelihood is, ‘yes, you did remember to lock your back door before leaving.’ Stress and tension can leave our bodies feeling exhausted – a state that understandably makes the effects of jet-lag worse.  

6: Soak up the sunshine!

Day and night-time ques can influence your circadian rhythm. By spending time outdoors during the daytime hours of your new destination’s time-zone, your body attempts to adjust its pattern. Similarly, mirroring your night-time ritual at home, where you change into your favourite pyjamas, brush your teeth then snuggle under the duvet covers, will help signal to your body that you are winding down for the evening and that it is time to sleep. When sleeping, try to keep your room cool and dark, as this promotes better sleep-quality. 

7: Adjust your watch 

By adjusting your watch and ensuring your mobile devices have all synced to the new time-zone, you can better track and signal to your body what you intend your new routine to be. 

To keep our bodies functioning well, it is important to practice good sleep and exercise routines as well as consuming the right nutrients. Investing in private health insurance can also ensure that your body receives the best care during times of ill health or injury. To find out more about our bespoke healthcare plans; simply fill out our online form to get a call back – alternatively, contact us on 0808 10 18 999. 

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